Miller Worley Center for the Environment
Creating a greener and more equitable world, the Miller Worley Center for the Environment prepares environmental leaders for today and the future by promoting a culture of environmental sustainability and justice on campus and beyond. We advance our ideals through environmental literacy and critical thinking, sustainable community building, student action and leadership in the service of all generations. The Miller Worley Center enables students to make connections — across disciplines, across points of view, across constructs — that help them understand the concept of "environment" more broadly in their work, community, and lives.
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Acknowledging the land on which we work
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment humbly acknowledges that the land on which we reside, learn and work is the ancestral home of the Nonotuck, neighbored by the ancestral lands of the Nipmuc and the Wampanoag to the East, the Mohegan and Pequot to the South, the Mohican to the West, and the Abenaki to the North.
Recognizing that the history of environmentalism has been fraught with injustices towards Indigenous peoples, we strive to honor and respect the history of the original inhabitants of this beautiful land as we also work to steward it.