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Hoyer-Leitzel, A., Iams, S. M., Haslam-Hyde, A. J., Zeeman, M. L., & Fefferman, N. H. (2023). An immuno-epidemiological model for transient immune protection: A case study for viral respiratory infections. Infectious Disease Modelling, 8(3), 855-864.

Iglesias, L; Iglesias, J. 2023. "Microchimerism." The Georgia Review 77.2 (Summer 2023): 290–300

Solo exhibition at the National Nordic Museum (Seattle, WA). , on view Nov 4, 2021 - January 31, 2022, curated by Leslie Anne Anderson, Director of Collections, Exhibitions, and Programs.

Iglesias, L.; Iglesias, J. (n.d.). ma is as selfless as i am. In (pp. 155–168). essay, Punctum Books.

Jacoby, J.W. (2021). Assistant teachers in Head Start: Important drivers of a diverse and competent workforce. Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/assistant-teachers-head-start-important-drivers-diverse-and-competent-workforce

Jacoby, J.W., & *Corwin-Renner, A. (2021). . Journal of Career Development. 

Jacoby, J.W. (2019). When, where, and how do Head Start teachers use Spanish in the context of English curriculum?: Increasing native language support in preschools. Perspectives: A Publication of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 43(2), 6-9.

Mancilla-Martinez, J. and Jacoby, J.W. (2018). The influence of risk factors on preschoolers' Spanish vocabulary development in the context of Spanish instruction. Early Education and Development. 

Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2017). Language and literacy instruction in classrooms that serve Latino dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 40, 77-86.

Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2017). Policy-based instructional reform in early education: How Head Start teachers perceive instructional mandates. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 11(9).