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Surprise, K. (2020). Journal of Political Ecology, 27(1): 213-235.

Stephens, J. & Surprise, K. (2020). The hidden injustices of advancing solar geoengineering research. Global Sustainability, 3, E2.

Svaldi, M. (2023) Article "Engaging Students in Conversations about Social Justice and Change in Italy, TILCA -Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual" November 2023 Published

Svaldi M. Insegnare italiano in un’università del New England: analisi, pianificazione e proposta di un corso microlingua [Teaching Italian in higher education in New England: analysis, planification and a proposal of a micro language course]. Itals Journal, Supplement of the ELLE Journal, ISSN: 2280-6792, November 2019, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

Tawa, J., LoPresti, A., & Lynch, D. (2020). Deconstructing racial essentialism in the classroom: The impact of social constructionist curricula on student diversity interactions. The Journal for Multicultural Education, 35(2), 101 – 115.

Tawa, J. (2020). Does social constructionist curricula both decrease essentialist and increase nominalist beliefs about race? Science & Education, 29, 1513 – 1540. 

Tawa, J. (2021). Triangulated racialization index (TRI): Incremental and predictive validity of a multidimensional stereotype measure. Social Cognition, 39(5), 608 – 631. 

Tawa, J. & Montoya, A.K. (2019).  Construals of self and group: How racial nominalism can promote adaptive intergroup outcomes for interdependent selves. Group Process & Intergroup Relations, 22(7), 1002 – 1020.

Tawa, J. (2018). Dimensions of racial essentialism and racial nominalism: A mixed method study of beliefs about race. Race and Social Problems10(2), 145 – 157.

Tawa, J., Tauriac, J.J., & Suyemoto, KL. (2016). Fostering inter-minority race-relations: An intervention with Black and Asian students at an urban university. Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity, 16 (2), 33 - 64.