Seasoned educator, Pam Mulcahy received an M. Ed. in Administration and Supervision from the University of New Hampshire. She graduated cum laude with honors in English from Smith College. She has served in a variety of administrative positions including Dean of Studies, Dean of Faculty, Assistant Head, and Mathematics Department Chair. She comes to Holderness most recently from New Hampton School but also has extensive work at Pomfret School. Founder and director of a seminar for young teachers called NENTS 2.0 (initially in collaboration with the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia) and director of a summer teacher training institute for new independent school teachers (NENTS 1.0) run jointly by AISNE and CAIS, Pam cares deeply about the art and craft of teaching. In her free time, she mostly reads and writes about teaching (). She serves on the board of Rectory School.
Pam teaches Geometry and Advanced Precalculus (1/2 year precalculus and 1/2 year calculus) at Holderness School, serves as the Associate Director of College Counseling and lives in Woodward Dormitory (with 28 boys).