Ximena Abello Hurtado
- Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Critical Race and Political Economy

Maria Ximena Abello-Hurtado is an Assistant professor of Africana Studies and Critical Race & Political Economy at Mouth Holyoke College. She is the author of Relato Histórico Nacional Colombiano and Partus Sequitur Ventrem (published by the Ministry of Culture in Colombia), and her essays have appeared in The Black Scholar." She co-authored "Demando mi libertad: Mujeres negras y sus estrategias de resistencia en la Nueva Granada, Venezuela y Cuba, 1700-1800," winner piece of the Monserrat Ordóñez LASA Prize as the best book on Colombian gender history in 2020.
Areas of Expertise
History of Black decolonial feminisms; the Afro-South-American Experience in the New Granada; Black girl studies, and the diversity of Afro-Diasporic connections across the globe.